Romance - Bars 1-10 - Internal Piano to Real Piano
This is not so much a tutorial for the piece as it is a demonstration of my process and progress, in almost real-time, of mastering a piece away from the piano and then, for the first time, playing it in the video I post, so you can see how I find my natural fingering and dynamics without being influenced by pieces of paper staring at me. It's a simple process: get the piece on your internal jukebox (know it perfectly in your mind), then analyse the score for theory holes, then start mastering a few bars and drilling them on
This is not so much a tutorial for the piece as it is a demonstration of my process and progress, in almost real-time, of mastering a piece away from the piano and then, for the first time, playing it in the video I post, so you can see how I find my natural fingering and dynamics without being influenced by pieces of paper staring at me. It's a simple process: get the piece on your internal jukebox (know it perfectly in your mind), then analyse the score for theory holes, then start mastering a few bars and drilling them on your internal piano. When ready, every 4-6 bars, go to the piano, WITHOUT the sheetmusic (aim to burn it all in the end!!!) and play it surprisingly well, refining as you go with each repetition. This is part 1 of perhaps 4/5 videos as I progress through this piece. Apply it to any repertoire if you don't want to learn this particular piece. Enjoy!
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I have a new playlist called Straight & To The Point which contains videos only 4-6 mins in length. You can find them of course by looking in the playlist or, if you happen to find one isolated, it will carry a red, 5-min logo in the thumbnail for instant recognition.
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Best, Dan.
Andrew Liao: As a firm believer of Water Pianism (WP) philosophies, I have no doubt that the philosophical approach to piano established by “danthecomposer” has help me learn to play any Jazz repertoire systematically. Once I select a song I start listening to several recordings to be stored in my “internal jukebox”. Then, I dissect chord progression from a lead sheet. The basic song structure, including tempo, is then stored in my “internal manuscript” and “internal metronome”. Often I spend two to three weeks just to rehearse the aforementioned internals “away” from piano. When I am “at” piano, I focus on my natural fingering and steadiness of execution, not speed. Then, I play the repertoire over and over again to lessen conscious interference, subsequently becoming a spectator rather than a performer. Last, but not least, I work on improvisation and embellishment according to my music personality. At this point I should feel confident to play the repertoire fluently. I recommend highly the WP approach to anyone, especially to beginners who want to be a Jazz piano player.