Below are two Water Pianism resources for you to enjoy. To the left is the eBook version which outlines the philosophies needed for mastery of the Mind, Body and Piano elements, both at and away from the piano if you ever hope to become a confident, fluent, true-to-self performer, composer or improviser without Your path being tarnished by ‘tradition’.
The one on the right is the 12+ hour podcast collection over 3 categories, with 10 episodes in each, based heavily on internal philosophies to help reduce conscious interference and increase the natural abilities necessary for Your path.
If you’d like the Water Pianism Syllabus, it is more conveniently available via PayPal from me directly for $80USD if you’re a registered member or $100USD if not. Simply use the Contact Me option or email me expressing your desire to take the leap: danthecomposer@gmail.com and I’ll send you the PayPal address which is different!
In the meantime, be sure to read the Water Pianism Syllabus Overview Document, just so you know what you’re getting yourself into!