Since the moment I posted my first video, my sole intention was to spread piano wisdom, self-mastery and music theory education. Over the years, quite a number of kind individuals were asking me for a way to donate by way of thanks so I was humbly obliged, after much deliberation, to react to those requests and create the two opportunities which now exist: to become a monthly Patron or make a one-off PayPal donation (which can now also be set to a monthly donation via a checkbox).
The other way you can support me while helping yourself is to purchase one of my eBooks or the Water Pianism Podcast Collection, both available via my online store button to the left.
No matter how you choose to support me, even by simply sharing my content with others in person or on social media, I shall continue to post 3-5 times per week and write regular articles for my blog; even your watch-time is beneficial to me on YouTube! Thank you very much indeed for whichever way you choose to support me.